Contradictory though it may sound, you will find the most accurate measuring machines for 3D coordinates ever developed in the history of technology precisely in those places that preach a zero-error philosophy. And we’re no different. Firstly, because we want to find out whether production genuinely can run without any errors or not. And secondly, so that we can thoroughly inspect and assess supplied components. Of course, our approach involves interlinking, simulating and optimising all design, manufacturing and assembly parameters in such a way that what emerges at the end is a perfect ball valve. As always, this means careful measurement, alignment and testing. The fact that hidden errors are uncovered and that the work performed to address such issues frequently sparks something innovative is an extremely welcome side-effect of our quality management.
Once the finishing touches are finally in place, a comprehensive pressure test provides conclusive proof that each and every ball valve is in impeccable working order. Then and only then are they cleared for shipping.